Aggressive Criminal Defense in Raleigh, North Carolina

The Prosecutor Has a Team, You Need One Too

A criminal accusation can be a life-changing event. The consequences of a conviction are long-ranging and potentially devastating. We can help. If you or a loved one is suspected or accused of committing a crime, give us a call to discuss the situation. If you hire us, attorney Sean Cecil will be responsible for every aspect of your case. We have experience successfully defending charges from misdemeanor cannabis possession to violent assaults to massive drug conspiracies. We have a particular passion for defending cases involving individual privacy rights and the so-called "War on Drugs".

A Federal Case Requires an Attorney with Federal Experience

Federal criminal defense is a very specific practice that requires experienced legal counsel. Whether you are under indictment, have been subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury, or have received a target letter from federal prosecutors indicating you are a person of interest, it is crucial that you seek competent and experienced legal counsel as soon as possible. Federal criminal law is nuanced and complicated. Perils abound. There are plenty of good criminal defense lawyers with experience dealing with federal cases, and there are plenty of lawyers who do not have the experience but are more than happy to take your money. Make sure that the lawyer you talk to has the tools they need to properly counsel you through what could be the most momentous events of your life.

It is also important to be aware of the possibility that North Carolina criminal charges might be dismissed in favor of a federal indictment. This happens with some frequency. If you hire an attorney for a state charge that "goes federal" and your attorney does not handle federal cases, you could find yourself paying two attorneys for the same case. If there's a possibility your state charges might be taken on by federal prosecutors, it is a good idea to hire one lawyer who can handle both situations.

Free Consultations

We offer free consultations for Federal or Wake County criminal matters. To schedule a consultation call 919-833-8949 or fill out the contact form in the sidebar. 

Attorney Sean Cecil: Quality Control for Cops since 2006